the common SENSE

8m29s, 2015

the common S E N S E 
Commissioned by Henry Art Gallery
Sylvia Wolf, Curator
Seattle, WA 
October 11, 2014-April 26, 2015

"Each extension of a hand or paw is toward contact. Contact with the ground, the air, to someone or something outside the self and from this extension one is always touched in return—that is touch’s reciprocal condition and exchange. When we touch we go from being observers to being included; things seen become things felt." -Ann Hamilton

Gregory Whitmore

Exhibition organized by the Henry’s John H. Behnke Director Sylvia Wolf, with assistance from Nina Bozicnik, Assistant Curator, and project management by Susan Lewandowski, Manager of Exhibitions and Registration.

Major support was provided by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation.

The exhibition was also made possible by 4Culture/King County Lodging Tax, season supporter ArtsFund, The Boeing Company, City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

It was additionally supported through gifts made to the Henry Now Campaign by the Barton Family Foundation in memory of Irving Marcus; Cathy and Michael Casteel; the Jon and Mary Shirley Foundation; William and Ruth True; and the Bagley and Virginia Wright Fund.

The Henry is grateful for in-kind contributions from Richard Manderbach and Krekow Jennings Inc. Special thanks to Phillip Turner, Jerry Garcia, and Kirsten Ring Murray of Olson Kundig Architects and to the staffs of the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture and the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections for their partnership in realizing Hamilton's vision for "the common S E N S E."